The online presence of Joe Whittingham
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Welcome to my website; Supertidy.net. It’s the online presence of blogger, photographer, and 3D artist; me - Joe Whittingham. I’m a 26 year old Englishman currently living and working in China.

So, What is Supertidy.net?
Supertidy.net is a place for me to dump everything. My thoughts, rants & raves, photos, videos, etc. The blog serves as a way for me to keep in touch with my friends and family, and the portfolio displays some of my best works for potential future employees or clients. These works include photography and 3D modelling.

Uh-huh, and what do you do?
I actually teach English! Back in the UK I left university and had an 18month stint working in the games industry. It was a great experience, but the onset of the global economic crisis closed that door, but fortunately (and as predicted by the proverb) another one opened, and now I find myself having fun in China!

I see, and what do you do for fun?
Well, I love creating imagery! Currently this most promidently manifests itself in photography. To the right you can see my latest photos from flickr, and below you’ll find a link to my blog, where I often discuss my photos. When I’m not taking photos I like to spend time with my wife, go on bike rides, listen to music, play computer games... the usual! So, please, enjoy my site!

Latest from the Blog

25th Birthday Party – June 2011

25th Birthday 2011
So, back in June 2011 I was celebrating my 25th birthday like any self-respecting 25 year old. My apartment was quite full and made for a ‘cosy’ atmosphere. I’ll confess to not remembering much of it. Whether that’s because it was a long time ago or because of the amount of alcohol consumed; I’ll let you decide.

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Last Day of Beitang – June 2011

Last Day of Beitang 2011
So, every time the last day of term rolls around I take my camera into class and take some photos of / with the kids. I like to have something to help me remember the good times we have. The Summer term of 2011 at Beitang was no different…

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