Archive for the 'From My Students' Category

Last Day of Beitang 2011
So, every time the last day of term rolls around I take my camera into class and take some photos of / with the kids. I like to have something to help me remember the good times we have. The Summer term of 2011 at Beitang was no different…

Beitang Children's Day 2011
So, June 1st in China is children’s day. A holiday to celebrate…well, Children I guess. It seems pretty tough for the kids actually. They have to sing and dance and perform under pressure. But, they’re in the spotlight and they’ll often get some gifts from their school on the day – so, it’s all good I guess. Here are some pics from 2011’s Children’s day celebrations at Beitang. Many of these kids are my students past of present.

Easter at Aston - 2011
Ah, the wonders of being almost a year behind with my blog. Things I post about from last year are almost relevant again! Like today’s post; Easter! So, at Aston we like the kids to “celebrate” the western holidays to try and absorb some of our culture. We don’t go into the details…well, in fact, we don’t even tell them anything about the holiday’s religious roots. They just think it’s a holiday about eating chocolate and painting eggs. Well, not too far off…

I shot this video last week. I was mainly shooting photos at the Beitang sports day, but I thought the photos didn’t give justice to just how many kids were there dancing. While this isn’t a particularly quality video, I think it gets the idea across. 🙂 Enjoy! Photos (600 of em) from the event are in my very, very long que of photos to edit and blog.

I Speak English is good!
Needless to say, the next lesson I taught the meaning of irony.

From my kids: Men like to chase women who are as slippery as wet soap in the bath.
“Men love to chase women who are as slippery as slippery as wat soap in the tub.even if those whose who dislike taking a bath.”

I saw this great quote on a kid’s notebook. Usually they have badly translated English (Chinglish) but this one definitely made me laugh the most I’ve laughed in a while…