Archive for the 'Wedding Photography' Category

Maggie's Wedding
Those who’ve been following this blog for a while know that me covering weddings is a fairly regular thing. When you have a friends group whose age is around 21-25; it’s just what happens. Anyway, These photos are actually from back in September; I almost forgot I had them. One of the Aston CTs who I’ve known for a long time; Maggie – married her high-school sweetheart. Enjoy the pics!

Peggy's Wedding - 20/01/2010
So, a few weeks ago now we were warmly invited to Peggy’s wedding. Peggy is one of the Chinese Teachers at Aston, so we gracefully accepted and went along, this time armed with B’s compact camera. 🙂

Geri's Wedding

On Monday the 2nd of November Geri and her husband got married. I was honoured to be invited, as was my camera. As you’ll know from my coverage of Rob’s wedding Chinese weddings are quite the affair. It started the night before with us going to their new apartment to meet the groom’s side of the family, and generally plan the next day. Myself and B went, and were then treated to dinner with the groom’s nearest and dearest. The next day saw a 5:30am wakeup, for a 6:00am rendezvous, we were collected by minibus and headed to the couples new apartment to again meet the groom…

Rob & Cheers Traditional Chinese Wedding, Weinan, originally uploaded by Akira2506. If you haven’t already, be sure to read part 1. As usual, all photos can be viewed bigger, or saved. Just click the photo go to flickr, then click the “all sizes” button above the photo. 🙂 So, inside Cheer’s parents’ apartment, Rob had […]

Rob & Cheers Traditional Chinese Wedding, Weinan, originally uploaded by Akira2506. So, following on from the previous rehearsal post, the wedding day was a day of craziness! But very, very cool. I took 1500 photos that day, shooting with 2 cameras. My 400D with the 24-105mm F4 L, and Tim’s 450D which I alternated with […]

Rob & Cheer’s Wedding Day, originally uploaded by Akira2506. First of all, HELLO! Yes, I am infact alive. I have lots of things to catch up, the most important of which was Rob & Cheer’s wedding! Many happy returns to the newly-weds! Okay. so the night before the wedding the couple’s nearest and dearest get […]

Rob & Cheer’s Wedding – The Mothers, originally uploaded by Akira2506. *sigh* So, I keep taking more and more photos and not having time to process the old ones. Gah! Well, I took 1,500 shots in total at Rob and Cheer’s wedding. It was an awesome day which I’ll describe later with the aid of […]

Rob & Cheer Pre-Wedding Photoshoot, originally uploaded by Akira2506. One of over 600 photos I took today of Rob and Cheer in their wedding garb. They each had 2 outfits, and we visited quite a few sights, with more lined up before the wedding. I have a metric tonne of editing to do, but I […]