Archive for May, 2011

I shot this video last week. I was mainly shooting photos at the Beitang sports day, but I thought the photos didn’t give justice to just how many kids were there dancing. While this isn’t a particularly quality video, I think it gets the idea across. 🙂 Enjoy! Photos (600 of em) from the event are in my very, very long que of photos to edit and blog.

Honda CBF-125
So, one of our (since departed) FTs Jim decided to buy a motorbike. I figured it had been a while since I took photos of a shiny new vehicle, so why not take some photos for him. We went up to the reservoir to the south of the city and took along some lights (and people) to help out. The reason I originally got into photography was for shooting vehicles (then cars) so it was interesting to go back to my roots so to speak. Anyway, I know you came for the pics, so here they are…

Sophia Cathedral in Harbin (哈尔滨) Sophia Cathedral in Harbin (哈尔滨) Holiday to Harbin
Following on from Part 1 and Part 2, here’s Part 3 of my holiday to Harbin. This final installment covers a visit to the Sofia Cathedral as well as the snow sculpture park. Enjoy!