Archive for the 'Teaching' Category
Last Day of Beitang – June 2011
Comments Published February 1st, 2013 in Chinese Life, From My Students, Photography, Random Snap, TeachingBeitang Children’s Day – May 2011
Comments Published January 31st, 2013 in Chinese Life, Event Photography, From My Students, Photography, Teaching
So, June 1st in China is children’s day. A holiday to celebrate…well, Children I guess. It seems pretty tough for the kids actually. They have to sing and dance and perform under pressure. But, they’re in the spotlight and they’ll often get some gifts from their school on the day – so, it’s all good I guess. Here are some pics from 2011’s Children’s day celebrations at Beitang. Many of these kids are my students past of present.
Beitang Sports Day – May 2011
Comments Published August 11th, 2012 in Event Photography, Photography, Teaching
So, every summer Beitang holds a sports day. In 2011 there were two. They have the usual sports day for the school, then there is an inter-school sports day for all of the schools in Weinan. In 2011 it was Beitang’s turn to play host. None of the sports were particularly ‘serious’ sports, but some of the various school’s PE teachers were taking it quite seriously…
Easter at Aston 2011
Comments Published March 15th, 2012 in Event Photography, From My Students, Photography, Teaching
Ah, the wonders of being almost a year behind with my blog. Things I post about from last year are almost relevant again! Like today’s post; Easter! So, at Aston we like the kids to “celebrate” the western holidays to try and absorb some of our culture. We don’t go into the details…well, in fact, we don’t even tell them anything about the holiday’s religious roots. They just think it’s a holiday about eating chocolate and painting eggs. Well, not too far off…
Beitang Primary School – April 2011
Comments Published January 19th, 2012 in Chinese Life, Photography, Teaching
So, those familiar with the blog will know about Beitang Primary School. It’s the primary school that I teach at when I’m not teaching at Aston. Chinese primary schools are very different to their western counter parts. Firstly as the left-most photo shows. There are a lot of students. A lot. Each grade has 7-8 classes. Each class has 60-70 students. And that’s “small” class-sizes. Beitang is one of the best primary schools, it’s “proud” of that class size. Anyway, there are 6 grades in primary school, so conservatively thats 6*7*60 … more than 2,500 students! My primary school (Hayes Meadow Primary School, represent!) The other two pictures also highlight differences, read on for more…
Classroom Studio
Comments Published January 11th, 2012 in Photography, Portrait Photography, Teaching, Videos
2012! Bang! That sounds like the future! “Twenty-twelve.” New years resolution? Get on with my blog. So, with no further wait: Every so often I use my photography / cinematography skills to help out the school. Last year this involved making some photos for use on a flier, and also making some testimonial videos that other potential teachers could check out. I’m quite happy with the results, it turns out my classrooms can be converted to makeshift studios quite easily…
Videoroll: Beitang Sports Day
Comments Published May 30th, 2011 in Chinese Life, From My Students, Teaching, Videos
I shot this video last week. I was mainly shooting photos at the Beitang sports day, but I thought the photos didn’t give justice to just how many kids were there dancing. While this isn’t a particularly quality video, I think it gets the idea across. 🙂 Enjoy! Photos (600 of em) from the event are in my very, very long que of photos to edit and blog.
Halloween 2010
Comments Published December 11th, 2010 in Chinese Life, Event Photography, Photography, Teaching
It’s (or, it was) that time of year again. When we introduce our students to the strange and weird customs of Halloween. As always, the kids really embraced it. I guess it’s a pretty cool holiday – you get to dress up as whatever you want, and then people give you candy. What more could you want? As usual this proved a goldmine for photos, so… enjoy!
A month of silence / Last day of Beitang
Comments Published August 27th, 2010 in Chinese Life, Photography, Teaching
Wow, tomorrow would be the one-month anniversary of having no posts on the blog. Oops. So, why the long silence? Well, busy, busy, busy! I have 1800 photos worth of blog posts on their way, highlights include heading to B’s hometown again, my parents visiting, and, oh yeah — I got engaged! 🙂
However, let’s kick things off with something that happened months ago; the last day of Beitang! Beitang is the primary school where we teach for half the year, it was the last day of class so I took in my camera, and it was fun all round…
From my students>> “I speak English is good!”
Comments Published March 31st, 2010 in From My Students, TeachingAboutYou are currently browsing the | Blog weblog archives for the 'Teaching' category. Longer entries are truncated. Click the headline of an entry to read it in its entirety. |