and I’m back! Back from what? Well, that’s a long story. Sorry about the silence; a lot has been going on. This April has been a bit crazy. The weather was awesome, and everybody was like “Woo hoo! Spring is here!” then it SNOWED and everyone was like “Booo, no it’s not.” and then it stopped snowing and everyone was all, “Wooop! It’s here, it’s here!” Then I got a cold and was all like “Nope. Definitely not.”
Anyway, back when black was black and white was white, B decided to go get a haircut…
Browsing through their books, we decided on aiming for something like this.
Something happening. I’m not too technical with hairdressing. (As anyone who’s seen my hair can attest to.)
So, in total we were in the hairdresser for five freakin’ hours. I got bored and started taking photos of EVERYTHING. I thought this abstract photo of B’s handbag looked quite cool.
…photo of the hairdressers. Etc, etc. Like I said; bored!
Then they started putting these in her hair. At this point I laughed a lot about a woman called “Beryl” getting a Perm. So fitting. Sorry for the bad picture. Obviously shaking with laughter.
Then, she was plugged into the Matrix.
The 135’c Matrix!!!! Yowtch. That’s hot. At one point, smoke was actually coming from her head! No Bull!
We goof’d around and took these pictures. At one point the boss walked in and didn’t know we were joking. She nearly died. Haha.
Got boring again; I started taking random pictures again…
This bit was funnnnny! Hahahah. Very pretty, Miss. Plastic-Face. 😛
Now to choose a colour. We went for 8/7 Dark Blonde.
All mixed up, doesn’t look very “Dark Blonde.”
Then there was more waiting. So, more taking photos. Found this sign talking about me.
Fast forward a few days:
Ta-Dar! These photos are from an up-coming post on a visit to the Green Dragon Temple. Which, was pretty awesome. I have lots and lots of blog posts to come, and in a few days time we’re heading off on a holiday too! Gotta get caught up before then! Meep!
Sorry for keeping you all in the dark!
Oh, and a happy birthday to Dan! I embarassed him hugely on Facebook, so I owe him a shout-out. 🙂
Check back soon for more!
Thanks buddy! I owe you one.
Hair looks awesome B!!
I’m fairly sure Tel: 2058855 is my telephone number in China!
Much love!