Archive for September, 2009

Oktoberfest in Xi’an

“Cheers!” or “Prost!” as they say in Germany. So, myself, Beryl, Rudy, Joanne and Kai headed to Xi’an for the Oktoberfest held at the Sofitel hotel there. The Sofitel is a totally pimp hotel, and Rudy knows someone who works there, so we got hooked-up price wise, so kudos to him.

So, back at the start of August I got wind of some sort of fashion show happening in the square. Unfortunately that night I had to teach, but I figured I’d go down after work and see what I could see. Armed with my camera; of course.

Beryl & Angelina – $th Aug ’09, originally uploaded by Akira2506. So, I finally got around to editing and uploading these photos I took back at the start of August! When Beryl’s sister came to stay I broke out some of my photo equipment and started goofing around using them as my models. Here are […]

Rob & Cheers Traditional Chinese Wedding, Weinan, originally uploaded by Akira2506. If you haven’t already, be sure to read part 1. As usual, all photos can be viewed bigger, or saved. Just click the photo go to flickr, then click the “all sizes” button above the photo. 🙂 So, inside Cheer’s parents’ apartment, Rob had […]