Archive for the 'Chinese Life' Category

Weinan Walkaround
This is Winfred, my new photography brother-in-arms. We originally met at the swimming pool about 4 months ago. We didn’t really keep in touch, but then he found me on flickr! We realised we share a common passion for photography, so we decided to meet up and go on a photo walkabout together. We started in Weinan, and then headed south for what would turn out to be a 20km hike, but some great photos came out of it…

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Christmas here isn’t much like Christmas. It’s December already and it doesn’t feel special. This will be my first Christmas in 23 years that I haven’t spent with my family. Anyway, instead of mope and despair; I threw up a Christmas tree, and slapped on some fairy lights. More soon. 🙂

“Random Snap” is a new category/feature on the blog for when I just have one thing I want to share, and doesn’t quite merit it’s own blog post. The quality of the photography may also be lacking and even from *gasp* a camera-phone!

Chinese Fruit

Chinese Fruit
No, there isn’t some strange Chinese fruit that has a remarkable resemblance to a ten pound note; that was put there so you could get an idea of scale. That GIANT-apple looking thing is actually a pear, and that big ol’ ugly-shaped round thing next to it is the Queen’s head. Oh, and on the right there’s a “Chinese Grapefruit” or as it’s properly called, a Pomelo….

Anti-H1N1 Exercise at Beitang

Beitang Students Exercising
So, H1N1 is still a big buzz-word in China. As such, the government and it’s agencies are constantly implementing new, illogical counter-measures. For example, B’s schools quarantine; it’s now in effect during the week, but lifted at the weekend. They’re not really quite getting the idea. Anyhow, the latest such counter-measure for me to witness was this “extra” exercise at Beitang…

Chinglish - Ethnican Flavor
Ethnican Flavor. An example of the crazy English (dubbed, Chinglish) you find on things in China. The funny thing is, they actually taste really good.

“Random Snap” is a new category/feature on the blog for when I just have one thing I want to share, and doesn’t quite merit it’s own blog post. The quality of the photography may also be lacking and even from *gasp* a camera-phone!

Operation Kitchen Clean

Operation Kitchen Cleanbefore-afterOperation Kitchen Clean
So, I’ve been living in this apartment for about 4-5 months now, but never even stepped foot in the kitchen. It was a bomb site, and I never had the energy to tackle it. Well, the other day I decided enough was enough, and finally got in there and cleaned it out. Some of the things I found were crazy…

Bike Ride: North Weinan

Bike Ride: North Weinan
The Wei River, the largest tributary of the Yellow river. This was our goal for this bike ride. My partner in peddling was fellow foreign teacher Michelle. It was COLD AS HELL (assuming hell is -3’c) as we met at 10:45 to set out and head north…

A Trip to Rob's
268 days. Wow. Two hundred and sixty-eight days in China. And that’s corrected for the 18 days I went home in October. Is 268 days enough time to start calling this place home? I don’t know. I’ll save that for another post. So what’s with the picture of the shoes? Well, the other day I went round Rob’s apartment to watch some movies…

Bike Ride: West Weinan

Bike Ride: West Weinan
So last week myself and B went on a bike ride to the west of Weinan. The west of town (known as the ‘Weinan High-Tech Zone’ is a mainly new development of the city. At the moment it’s posed for future growth, but not particular well populated. At times you feel like you’re in a disaster movie, with large buildings, huge roads, but no people. Anyway, thought I’d share the pictures…

Stay Frosty

Still cold? Yup.

“Random Snap” is a new category/feature on the blog for when I just have one thing I want to share, and doesn’t quite merit it’s own blog post. The quality of the photography may also be lacking and even from *gasp* a camera-phone!