Archive for the 'Teaching' Category
From my Students>> “Men love to chase women who are as slippery as wet soap in the tub.”
Comments Published February 9th, 2010 in From My Students, Teaching
So, H1N1 is still a big buzz-word in China. As such, the government and it’s agencies are constantly implementing new, illogical counter-measures. For example, B’s schools quarantine; it’s now in effect during the week, but lifted at the weekend. They’re not really quite getting the idea. Anyhow, the latest such counter-measure for me to witness was this “extra” exercise at Beitang…
Halloween in China
Comments Published November 11th, 2009 in Chinese Life, Event Photography, Photography, Portrait Photography, TeachingLast day of Beitang
Comments Published June 27th, 2009 in Chinese Life, Photography, Portrait Photography, TeachingBeitang Students, originally uploaded by Akira2506. Last Thursday was the last day of teaching my seven classes of kids at Beitang, so I took my camera in to take some snaps to remember them by. I ended up taking way too many (over 750!) these are just some of my favourites! Enjoy the cuteness! 😀 […]
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