Last day of Beitang - Favourites
Wow, tomorrow would be the one-month anniversary of having no posts on the blog. Oops. So, why the long silence? Well, busy, busy, busy! I have 1800 photos worth of blog posts on their way, highlights include heading to B’s hometown again, my parents visiting, and, oh yeah — I got engaged! 🙂
However, let’s kick things off with something that happened months ago; the last day of Beitang! Beitang is the primary school where we teach for half the year, it was the last day of class so I took in my camera, and it was fun all round…

The Young Professor
This kid, Manny, was a pain in the rear-end, but a cute kid!

Innocent Smile
Another cutie!

He'll love it when he's older
This girl is always playing with the boys, as you can see from his face — he’s not keen. Just wait till he’s older… 🙂

Teacher and Student
This was my CT / Chinese teacher — Zeno. Along with manny.

Troublesome Twosome
These two are the cleverest in the class, and good fun.

I'm not copying, I just want inspiration
He wasn’t copying, honest!

Studying hard
Hard at work.

Don't pick me, don't pick me, don't pick me...
Lining up for the class photo.

School's out!
I have smaller, younger classes of 20-ish 6 year olds, then I have some larger classes of 60-ish 7-8 year olds.

I'm just tryin to do some drawin
I can’t say my kids liked having my huge camera shoved in their face when they were just tryin to do some drawin’!

Last day of Beitang - Favourites
Another character, Jerry.

Last day of Beitang - Favourites Last day of Beitang - Favourites Last day of Beitang - Favourites
Kids, kids, kids.

Last day of Beitang - Favourites
I wish they were this quiet and well-behaved all the time…but…they aren’t.

Last day of Beitang - Favourites
Other teachers brought their cameras too, here’s Fang fang.

Last day of Beitang - Favourites

Last day of Beitang - Favourites

Last day of Beitang - Favourites

My various classes.

Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang

Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang

Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang

Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang

Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang

Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang Last day of Beitang
So, I had some of the kids draw pictures, then hold them up for a photo.

More posts sooooooon! 🙂

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One Comment to “A month of silence / Last day of Beitang”  

  1. 1 amy

    as much as I looove seeing pics of cutie little kids, pplleeeaaasse blog about ma and pa visiting!! xxxx

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