Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
So, a few weeks back took a trip to the Green Dragon Temple (青龙寺 – Qin Long Si), in Xi’an. It’s most famous for it’s flowers; a whole load of Japanese cherry blossoms that come into bloom every April. Info on the temple is hard to find in English, but essentially, way back in the day (think ~500A.D.) China and Japan had a bunch of cultural exchange happening. China sent monks and scholars to Japan, and vice versa. This temple is where the Japanese monks were chillin’. Anyway, The original temple got demolished at some point (as happens with everything in Chinese history), then the bad things happened between China and Japan in the 20th century. Well, to come over all of that (or try to) I think the Japanese planted a whole bunch of these trees to say sorry. Enough of the history, let’s look at pretty pictures!

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Lots and lots of pink.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
B took her camera too, so you get lots of pictures of me! yay!

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
It’s no secret that I’m not really into flowers, so when B was flower-spotting, I was camera-spotting! This place was a magnet for expensive glass. I’ll try to resist posting too many photos of people taking photos. But there were plenty of old men carrying around two or three grand worth of camera.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
This is a Prunus lannesiana…of course!

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Me spying…

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
…on B!

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Here’s B lookin’ pretty.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺

The temple is pretty cool.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Me enjoying my creme egg, as posted before.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Pink everywhere! I look so cool with B’s pink camera…

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Almost as cool as she looks with my HUGE camera.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Cameras everywhere!

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
B checking out one of her snaps.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
A Canon 5D.II and a 100-400mm. Not a bad way to blow £3,000.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
I took lots and lots of photos of B.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
The view from the 2nd floor of the pagoda / temple.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
B enjoying the view.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Then B went down and I took photos from above.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Me from below!

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
B resting.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
B with the pagoda behind her.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Me reviewing a photo

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Roughly translated: “Love me? Don’t hurt me!”

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
B taking a photo…

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
….of me taking a photo of her.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
just the two of us.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
I can already hear my mum printing one of these and sticking it on the fridge.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
B lookin purdy.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
You get sucked into the tranquillity of the place, you forget you’re in the middle of the city.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Took me a while to figure out which I thought was worth more; her coat, or his camera.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
More pretty B.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
and mooooore photos of B.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Another man Vs. tree moment.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Center: I admired this man’s dedication. Setting his camera up inside the temple, then going outside and around the back to operate his camera. He was taking a group shot of some sort of photo society who were standing inside the temple. Next time; buy a wider lens?

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Flowers of some sort.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
B resting on some giant stone ball thing.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Me, as viewed through the giant stone ball thingy.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
At this point, B had my camera. So time for lots and lots of photos of me! (I deleted most 😛 )

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Me being an idiot and making a bunch of blossom fall.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
But, I do kinda like this pic…

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
…And this one. okay, I’ll stop.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Me educating people on flowers. Honest.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
One of the weird photo society groups. These people all had compact camera, but most of them had tripods. A strange combo. Especially considering light wasn’t exactly lacking.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
So, then we left the temple, and headed to a nearby university to meet some of B’s high school friends who study in Xi’an. We met up then went to a nearby park.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
Some nice tulips in the park.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
We then headed to the university, which was prettttty swanky. It’s called Xi’an Jiao Tong ( 西安交通大学), and it’s a member of the Chinese “C9 league”, a Chinese version of the Ivy League. One of the top 9 universities in the country; not bad for a country with a LOT of universities. Anyway; check out this for a pathway around your campus.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
L: Never seen anything like it in my life. C: Students going to class. R: Quite a big library.

Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺 Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺
A really cool university campus.

Tired and exhausted, we headed back to Weinan. 🙂

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3 Comments to “Green Dragon Temple 青龙寺”  

  1. 1 gillian whittingham

    Joe, you know me too well.( It does happen to be a stunning photo ) Mom x

  2. 2 Daniel

    Prettyful 🙂

  3. 3 amy

    actually, it’s going on my fridge too! xx

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