Archive for November, 2009

Geri's Wedding

On Monday the 2nd of November Geri and her husband got married. I was honoured to be invited, as was my camera. As you’ll know from my coverage of Rob’s wedding Chinese weddings are quite the affair. It started the night before with us going to their new apartment to meet the groom’s side of the family, and generally plan the next day. Myself and B went, and were then treated to dinner with the groom’s nearest and dearest. The next day saw a 5:30am wakeup, for a 6:00am rendezvous, we were collected by minibus and headed to the couples new apartment to again meet the groom…

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So, the red star marks the epicentre of the 5.5-rated earthquake; with the blue arrow representing my home. A good 600 miles away or so. Either way, at around 7am this morning I was woken up by what seemed to be someone shaking my bed to try to wake me. After seeing nobody, I realised it was an earthquake; and kind of had a deer-in-headlights moment when I didn’t really know what I should be doing. That and I was still a little drunk from the night before…more on that latter, it was a crazy night…actually; no, no more on that! I was suprised at how long it lasted, it seemed to go on for a good 10 seconds, it was actually quite relaxing.

I haven’t seen any news, but I hope nobody was seriously hurt. 🙁

Escape to Victory

Just an update on the quarantine situation; it continues, as does the daily escaping en-mass. I don’t know any of the students pictures, I was tempted to pixelate their faces for comedy purposes, but I have too many photos to edit. I took 1,300 photos this last weekend; expect many blog posts in the coming days.